Monday, December 29, 2003

listening to the wind

Well Christmas was good, Jo bought me a dance mat for my playstation so that provided much entertainment in the morning! Got some things to listen to and my RAC membership and some money off my Dad and his Wife (also called Jo!) so was a nice day, the midnight service was good too. The new Vicar took it and did a great job. Oh I got a great jacket-y type thing off my Granny and Aunt - I love the fact tht my gran manages to but all 3 of us somehting that suits our differnt styles its fab!

Working at the club wasn't too bad, Abiee and Jasna were there so it was good to see them. The new manager - Rob - is OK. Good at management but doesn't know much about "The Opal Lounge" so I spent a lot of time sorting things out and helping the new staff. All of whom are chinese and 2 of them hardly speak any English! Am working New Year's Eve (we only have one show that day-hurray!)

Had proper roast dinner last night with some of the cast, very good roast potatoes..mmmmmm

Gotta go - Act 1 beginners Call!

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Only 2 more sleeps 'till Christmas!

Considering I've been doing panto for nearly a month now it is quite surprising that I really only got excited about this afternoon when Buttons announced the above to the audience!

Am feeling much better about life in general at the mo. Although last week I had a panic attack thingy (1st one in a year) and then my heart was playing silly bugger's for the next few days. I left it for 3 days (comedy rule, and in general, a good one for my medical things!) then rang the nhs helpline (very nice people, kept ringing back to check on me until there was a nurse available) and she said to go to the doctors first thing in the morning, but if it got any worse to go straight to A+E.
Well I woke at 8:15 the next morning so as to have time to see if it was still being weird and then I could ring the surgery, and my body being the rather ridiculous nothing that it is decided that it was fine now and whatever was wrong wasn't. Have to admit though I had been praying about it every night.

So have been doing panto solidly since last Monday, Christmas day is our only day off for a while and I have so agreed (I'm sure to my regret!) to work at the club on Boxing day aswell as a Few other nights ....Stupid....Stupid.....When will I learn! (Thinking of the large phone Bill I have received I am reminded why I agreed!) Panto is going really well and am making some really good friends and having good old chats with everyone. That's why I love working with these people, they're so open and willing to share. It can be a bloody downheartning profession some times but it's the people you meet along the way that make it so worthwhile.

Anyhoo an orange juice is calling...If I don't get chance to blog again soon - HAVE a GREAT CHRISTMAS,


Tuesday, December 16, 2003

By 'eck it's cold!

Yesterday was my last day off until christmas day, as panto has now taken over. I got my cheque from the theatre to fill in the gap between my earnings on this and what I would have earned doing the other one, so for the first time in about 3 years my overdraft doesn't hit 4 figures - YEY!!! Am being very consientius about saving. Really want to clear all my debt, get a flat and all that lark as I will soon be the grand old age of 23 :*

Am on a bit of a mission about my old school drama group Absolute Beginners. They're having a bit of a time of it what with people trying to get rid of it etc (they claim they're not (TPTB that is) so nthat will be my first conversation to establish the truth from the c**p). But have basically pointed out that because it's technically an indeopendent drama group they don't need the school's permission to put on a show they can still put one on but somewhere else.

Have to go - Act 2 beginner's has been called

more ranting later!

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Flash Photography...

have not posted fro a bit - sos, got caught up in the panto land but am now almost safely back to earth and feeling not so blue!

The title refers in general (but mainly to the one offender this evening!) to people who take photos during performances - You're asked not to, both in print, at the door and usually with an announcement and yet you still persist. Do you think people won't notice a bloody great flash in the middle of a DARK auditorium (yes dear, the stage may be light but where you're sitting isn't!) at least get an 800 speed film which shouldn't need it. But still it's wrong - technically you're breaking a copywrite law, and surely you're old enough to know better? And by the way...... doing it when there are 2 follow spot operators who can see every move the audience make and have the power to show you up in front of everybody really isn't very clever is it?

More tomorrow....

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Panto has begun

Panto is up and running. Had our public dress this afternoon - it went OK. The public very noisy (chatting etc) and the cast spent most of their time shouting or getting them to be quiet! Emma seemed to be able to control them so maybe Cinders should be on more!

Feeling a bit blue though. I guess I'm used to being SM or at least doing panto at the Palace (Theatre, Redditch) where they know me and what I've done - so I know where I stand and I don't feel so out of it as I do now. I feel as if they're this group and them I'm just kind of standing on the outside trying to get in. Mostly used to feel like that at school so it's really not good feelibng like this. I'm sure over the weeks I'll get to know them but right now I feel a bit out of it. Also - yesterday would have been the 1st day of rehearsals for Clever Polly.

Half an hour call - better go and turn the spots on. :)

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Panto is here!

Well here I am in a tea break from the tech of 'cinderella' with a slightly sore posterior (from having to sit on the edge of an audience box to do follow spot!) and still feeling a bit uneasy.

Shouldn't be really, am follow spotting on the panto so I've got something to do, The theatre have agreed to pay my full wage (minus any pay or benefits I have between the dates of the contract - so basically I'm getting the money anyway) and I'm not ill, car-less, or over my overdraft limit!

The pay thing is a bit annoying really. I don't see that it matters if I've got another job or not - they broke the contract therefore it's their job to pay up wether I earn any or not - only difference with me is, they know where I'm working and how much I'm earning. I am going to check out the exact details of th letter they sent me but I guess I should be glad I'm getting something.

If I'd have known that ws going to be the deal I'd have gone and done the panto in Redditch - same as I have for the last 8 years (scary! I was 14 when I started!) it would have been great to be back there.....

Have to go been called back.....

Monday, November 24, 2003

so little sleep, so much to do

Finally went to church this morning after not going for about 4 weeks due to working at the club Saturday night and needing sleep! But decided to let my body enjoy 3 1/2 glorious hours and then get up and go to the Toy and Gift service. Have to admit to not enjoying the last service I went to, just not in the mood for it. But really enjoyed this morning's (It generally helps if you're not jet lagged!) Everyone brings a toy/gift which then get collected by Birmingham City mission so that some of the poorer families in the city can each have presents that they otherwise can't afford. It's an amazing vision and means so much to so many people.

Have "The Sims" - my computer is complete - if on its last legs - roll on laptop!

Started buying Christmas pressies via eBay today. Checked out Wil's 1st edition that he will personalise - way beyond my means (it's at about $400!) and they're out of print now which is a bummer. Never mind, next print run:)

Tomorrow I'm going down to Pontin's for at least one night to see everybody before I start the madness that is Panto. Can't wait to get back there and see what's doin'!

Have to ring the Belgrade tomorrow to see Equity's stand on the 'breach of contract' situation. Here's hopin'

Oh yeah and something about England and a Rugby's all a haze ::wink::

Friday, November 21, 2003

Clouds, Silver Lining etc....

Feeling better today. It's now 3 days after 'dark grey' Tuesday and things are looking up. Still not doing that show but there's a whole deal going on with breach of contract so I guess some good may come of it.

Also I'm probably now doing follow spot for Panto at the Belgrade so at least I have something to do over christmas. It finishes on the 17th of Jan though - which leaves me only 4 days between that and my operation, that's probably a good thing too though!

I'm still pretty hacked off about the whole thing. They were umming and ahhing about the show all year, then they finally decide to do it - get us to sign contracts and then a month later ,(only 2 weeeks before rehearsals start) they decide to pull it. They gave some reasons but mainly I think it was money. It's sad that I won't get to see Keddy and the guys again - it would have been great to work with them again and to spend time exploring London, heigh ho......

Going to work now, last night at the club next week, that's a bit sad aswell really!

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

A Bad Day

I feel like someones taken my brain out and put it back in upside down and the wrong way out, and while they were at it took a good thump at my insides.

I was supposed to be Company Stage Manager for "Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf" at the Bloomsbury over Christmas. I CSM'd the show last year on its mini tour of Devon and its stay at the Warwick Arts Centre. There was me and the two cast. Well I got the jog again for this year and signed the contract over a month ago - turning down 2 other job offers and postponing my sugery. Today I ws told that they have cancelled the show - two weeks before it was due to start rehersals,

Just had my 5 minute call......... betta go

Feel a bit lost really.....

Saturday, November 15, 2003

The Outbacker...

This evening a guy at the bar asked asked me if I was from New Zealand - I grabbed Abiee and made him say it again - just to prove to someone that people really do think I'm from another country (if not planet!) and she decided to do a Polish accent and have a laugh - he believed her, slighty worrying that!

Anyway he asked me twice more to reassure him that I really wasn't from New Zealand, so I said 'no' in sort of "don't-ask-me-again-or-you-may-not-get-the-drink-you-were-expecting-but-i'm-still-being-polite" kind of voice, and he said, and I quote....." It's just that you have a kind of 'Outback' look".............. What the hell is an OUTBACK look? Has anyone ever seen an 'OUTBACK' person, could this be a new place to add to my list?????? He wasn't even vaguely inebriated which makes it even more worrying!

Spent a few hours at Brett and Clare's tonight with Clare and Baby Abigail, she's grown a lot since the last time I held her - but she still feels as light as a feather - kind of odd to think there's all that small person and she ways so little. I even got a smile which was wonderful :)

Got the new date for my foot (well feet really!) operation today. Rang to see if they had an idea when it would be and we sorted it out then. It's on the 21st of January and I'll be in day clinic. I think that means I go in at about 7:30am they do the Op and then I go home in the evening. Got to admit I'm a bit nervous 'cos of what they'll be doing to me and the fact that I don't stay in over night. I'm having my Big Toes straightened (involves lots of sawing and screwing of bones, youch) because they've been painful nearly everyday for the last 4 years and are now causing hastle for my other toes so they feel they need to be sorted. I'll be in plaster for 6 weeks if everything goes well, although they're not giving me a wheelchair so's I keep my muscles moving - I hope the painkillers are good!

Friday, November 14, 2003

It was a dark and Stormy night....

my Dad told me that rhyme when I was little and I still remember it now even with the voice he used :)

Well, I met up with me Pontin's mates (Donna and Byron). It was good. Bit strange seeing them again after doing so much in between but it was really cool. Donna was on a Christmas shopping MISSION. Once she got over the initial hurdle of spotting things for herself she was well away ;) Should be going down next we to see everybody and hopefully borrow some DVD's of ST:TNG of Dean (for when I have my Op and can't walk for about 6 weeks - fun!)

One thing in my life that I've had to get used to since I was about 17 is people (even people I know quite well!) thinking I'm some other nationality or that I'm mixed race. Tonight I got one of the most popular one's..."are you half Chinese?" A guy who is actually half Chinese was convinced of this fact about 4 weeks ago! I'm actually just English really (Brummy born and bred for about 3 generations at least - just without the accent!) I am a 1/16 Irish (which could account for a lot, but not much about the was I look;)). I always say I have a list which I did have somewhere but I lost it so I'll start one here....A list of nationalities people think I (or one of my parents) am..
Native American
Kiwi (New Zealand)
Argentine (I have noooooo idea!)
Not a bad list for a girl from a village on the very outskirts of Birmingham!

Went to see Sonyanette(Son) and Toby today. Toby is 17 months now and managed to say "Bec" today which was v.exciting ( is!) I finally introduced Son to Clare (who's baby Abigail will be 7 weeks old tomorrow..All together now...ahhhhhh!) when we delivered the amazing swinging chair!

Got work at the Belgrade fro 3 nights next week, and told me Boss when my last night at the club would be. Quite an organised day for me really :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2003


Hope you took the time to remember all those brave people who have fought and those that died so that we may have our freedom. I know it would be a better world without war but these people risked there lives for us so its good to just focus on that today. I think about my grandads (they both fought in WWII) and of all the people who are out there now. I have quite a good imagination and it scares me to think what it must have been like for them out there.

Tomorrow I should be meeting up with some friend's from Pontin's. I'm excited about seeing them again and showing them my stuff from this summer. I bought a self sticky album so hopefully should be able to organise some of it!

Managed to get the secret tape on the "Downhill Jam" in Tony Hawkes 1. I love to complete games entirely (which is why I don't have many!) My favourite game of all time is either The Sims/Zelda and the Ocarina of time. (role play rules!)

Patrick Stewart is on an advert for Marks&Spencers. He's reading a Fairy tales Book and the stories are slightly different (and visualised with recognisable people - Emma Bunton, wil young etc) it's nicely done and he definitely is all "*Magic and Sparkle*"! ;)

Monday, November 10, 2003

The Eclipse and it's thought's

Well, incase any of you, like me, did not know there was to be an eclipse on Saturday night....there was.

I was doing a 'get out' at the Belgrade in Coventry when one of the stage boys got a message on his phone. So we left the set we were dismantling (only briefly mind!) and ran out of the dock door to see it. (this prompted the security guard to take a mild interest in what was happening on the monitors at least!) It was amazing. I must have seen eclipses before - probably when I was younger and not allowed to stay up 'til it was complete - and of course there was the solar eclipse (which I witnesses a top a moor, with cheese and biscuits, half the crew of Heartbeat and some sheep. I think Arthur (props guy)may have done something involving finger cymbals but the rest remains a secret!) but apart from that I don't really remember one.

So as we carried the set out piece by piece we saw the moon slowly masked by this shadow until all that was left was like the imprint of it on the sky with a halo around it. Amazing. And seeing all these burly men just as interested was pretty cool too!

It got me thinking againg about how amazing the universe is and how small we are really. I love the sky. Clouds are wonderful things - the big ones with loads of shadow that creep across the horizon like mountains that can't be climbed. I often try to imagine what it would be like (if it were possible!) scale it and look down. I know you kind of get the effect from being in a plane but it would be amazing to feel the wind and the peace of being up there. I love it when you're in a plane and you're between 2 sheets of cloud like a tunnel there's something really mystical about it.

I would love to see the earth from space one day (you never know!) I think it would be so calming and really put things into perspective. I think a lot of people would really benefit from a brief look at how small the world really is and to see the pointlessness of so many of our negative actions and how we really need to start taking care of the resources we have as a planet (as oppose to as countries) 'cos other wise - to put it frankly - we're screwed.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

For Abbey

This post is dedicated to a girl I work with at the nightclub called Abbey. I told her about blogging today and she was so excited (?!) that she managed to get the bottle opener/corkscrew stuck on her bra through the front of her shirt - clever trick if you can do it - so here is your mention!

Tonight at the club I was busy working away when I turned around and there, standing at the bar was Marina Sirtis, well needless to say it wasn't but this woman was the spitting image! It bugged me (in a nice way, you know what I mean!) so much all night that when I serevd her, her last 2 glasses of water I told her. She's never watched Star Trek really but kind of knew who I was talking about. She asked me if M. Sirtis is attractive and I replied to the affirmitive and she went away beaming!- a good night's work! Also we has a guy in who looked just like Harry Enfield :)

Met another type of annoying clubber tonight - but my tagliatelli and 'Frasier' are waiting and I really should get some sleep. (last night I eneded up watching Red Dwarf until 6:30am - whoops)

Ta Ta :)

Friday, November 07, 2003

Grrr... the public grrr....

I have just come in from work (It's 4am, so take into account the tiredness!) and I would just like to make one point.

If you are one of those people who decides it's the best thing in the world to be the last out of a nightclub then consider please the poor sods working at the place. They have to wait until you've gone before they can start cleaning up properly and no matter how quick they are they're still not going to be finished until you're probably tucked up asleep in bed or lying slouched and drooling as far as you get into your house. They are probably twice as tired as you and most of them will have to get up at the same time as you the next morning.
The staff do not mean to be rude or grumpy as you are leaving from your night of mirth but they just want to get home, and some drunk twit who decides to make life difficult is probably not going to be someone they want to be polite to.......

Just making a point. Having said that I would like to apologise to the man whom I TIMED drinking his Smirnoff Ice, but the doorman was to polite to come over and tell you to move (20mins after he'd told you to) so I decided that I'd *help* him so as we could all get home!

I received my copy of Red Dwarf Series 3 (DVD) this morning. Have watched all the episodes. V. funny - had never seen some of them. It was my treat as I haven't spent any of the money I've been earning for the past month - it's all going to pay Bill's, CC etc (I know, it's a fun life I lead innit?) Got to watch them the best way now - with the commentary, it makes twice as funny!

Wednesday, November 05, 2003


Well, have finally got around to doing this. I have tried for various (usually short!) periods of my 22 years of life to keep a journal of some description or other. The last one I did was over this summer cataloguing my time at 'Pontin's' and working at 'Stagedoor Manor' in New York. I did quite well although towards the end it was only 1 entry for 3 weeks but hey - that's a record for me!

So while I was at the wonderful world of Pontin's I was introduced to the world of Star Trek:TNG; and was just getting into it when I whisked off to New York to work on a Summer Camp for the summer. Anyway got back and decided that I'd like to find out more about all things Trek. This interest was also partly due to a friend from school - Zoe Hay. She was a trekkie and sat next to me in Eng Lit. I remember her telling me that she watched it so much her accent was now almost American - quite true, she was such a nice gal that I decided it was time I looked for myself into the realms of the Enterprise.

So I was scouting about and what should I come across but an interview with Gates McFadden wherein was mentioned a great website known as WilWheaton Dot Net. So away I surfed and there I found a top bloke, a brilliant writer and a blog all his own.

So I was inspired and have eventually made my start into "geekdom" (although frankly, I think most people who know me would agree I was already well on my way!) and learning about all those technical things about keeping and running his blog every now and again.

Things that have happened today....
Have worn my Michigan Wolverines (University of Michigan) cap all day in celebration of their win in the BIG game (vs Michigan State) but also because I just love the cap! My friend took me to watch their opening game with her son and her Dad and I was hooked on my first experience of American Football. I almost understood it by the time I left aswell!

Got woken up again at 8 am by the delivery of the Alternator for my car. I own a Morris Minor 1000. It's a 4-door Saloon from 1968. I've had it since I was 16 and have slowly been making her look more respectable and replacing parts of her ever since! But alas, on Saturday night I was left stranded on the side of the M42 for an hour in the cold and rain, watching firework displays and singing any song I could think of to keep my mind off my cold feet, because her dynamo finally packed up.

So after being towed home (why is it that nearly every guy who comes to help you from the AA/RAC finds at least one opportunity to try an crack on to you?Mysteries.......) I decided to pur-chase an alternator (more power out) and also some spray paint (she looking a bit rusty here and there - slowly rectifying that!).

Went round to Moggy Mark's tonight and he fitted it for me. Should be going to see him soon when he does his yearly "you need this...this...this..and this" and the Garage still seems to find something to fail her M.O.T on!

It is now 2:20am my final item has sold on eBay so I can now send of that invoice and head to bed - in't ebay greaaaat? :)