Thursday, January 28, 2010

Off to see the wizard....

I have just done a scary thing.....

Spent a lot of money on my credit card - but don't worry Mum, I can pay it straight off on Sunday when I get paid!.

Now, normally, after spending anything like a large anount of moolah (even NOT on the credit card) I would get this slightly sick feeling in the pit of my stomach (usually the idication that it may not have been the sanest thing I've done) but I feel fine. Which just goes to show that....

going to Australia this summer is TOTALLY the right thing to do, man.... (imagine surfer with sea washed blonde locks saying that.....OK, now focus)

I did my research and got a good deal, the flight also includes 3 nights accomodation in Sydney, which'll be handy, and the lovely people at STA sorted it out.

All in all I've had a highly productive day. My beauty needs, at least 1 of them, have been sorted, my teeth got the OK from the dentist, and the opticians have sorted my new contact lenses. I've ordered my new passport, there's food in the house and I've returned some unwanted props. now looking into getting a visa. It's amazing what you can achieve on a day off.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Julie Andrews...aa..aa.aa.she's perfect as can be....

Well, here i am again, ages between the posts - there's been Christmas and a marriage sine the last one - but there you go!

I didn't get the job - however good things did come from it which will hopefully help with the whole 'being-a-grown-up-at-29' thing I'm aiming for this year. Or it just might get me s..l..i..g..h..t..y. out of debt - either way, a good thing.

Am pretty exhausted at the mo. Been in school for 21 days straight what with the epic that was Tartuffe, including having to learn one of the parts in a day due a B.C student dropping out at the tech!, but Thursday is to be a day off (filled with fun stuff, like the dentists) so bring it on!

Built an igloo in the snow. It lasted for 3 days before caving in. You could fit 2 people in it sitting and I made shelves for a candle. Spent some happy hours sitting in it, enjoying the tranquility and marvelling at how amazing Goretex is. Couldn't sleep in it due to school regs, but it kept people amused!

Vicky & John's wedding was fabulous, it snowed just after the speeches on a magical soft but heavy way and then it had faded by morning....dreamy :) Speaking of dreamy, there's this guy.....but yet, there is no more to that tale.....

Tomorrow night is Gig Night, Despite being in recovery form a stinking cold and still sounding a bit cloggy, I have been persuaded to sing. I tried to convince the girls that playing Bass for 2 numbers and singing BV's for one was enough - apparently not. So tomorrow night there will be a slightly dodgy rendition of 'Both Sides Now' by Joni Mitchell, desperately trying to live up to last years playing and singing of 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' by Eva Cassidy. Really shouldn't have done my most impressive party piece first! I've also had to learn the bass line to Super Massive Blackhole. Which has resulted to me listening to rather a lot of Muse and downloading the album. Oh the joy of Itunes vouchers.

Oh, and did I mention? Jo, Vicky, John & John have bought me the MOST AMAZINGLY EXCITING Christmas/Birthday preset EVER!!!!!

A ticket to see JULIE ANDREWS at the o2 arena!!!!! Live, for one night only - how excited am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(if there was ever a need for many exclamation marks - then that was it......grammar be blowed)
