Friday, April 01, 2005

Quarantine... where I have been for the last day and a half. Boredom has never seemed so bad than when you´re confined to your cabin and noone can come to see you! I´ve basically been sick for the last 2 days and the doctor wasn´t sure if it was a bug or something I ate (I´d go for the latter option!) so I was confined to my cabin. However there´s no-one to cover my duty this evening and I feel much better so I´ve been allowed out - yey!

I saw dolphins this week. Not just the air from their blowholes but actual dolphins playing around to bow of the ship. They love it when the sea is calm (ish!) and the ship makes a wake for them to jump in - soo cool. Nearly everyone else on the team has seen them and I finally saw 5 this week :)))

Amy´s family (about 10 of them!) have been on this week which has been fab. Also the receptionist from my doctors was on, it´s always good to see people from home.

Easter was odd. The weather was stunning but the sea had big swell so most poeple only came out by the afternoon! Lorna, JP and I did a short service in the morning which made it feel slightly more Easter-y and the kids had an Easter Egg hunt which was great fun! Bizarre at the lack of chocolate - never mind, hopefully I´ll have some when I get home :)

Only 2 weeks left now. Finished the handbook for the next guy this morning so can now relax and enjoy my last week of normal duties before next week when I´ll be showing Chris the ropes.

My car failed its M.O.T (what a surprise - it´s NEVER passed on first time :) ) but the work will be done on it for when I get home so all´s good!

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