The whole accommodation thing didn't really get an better. I pretty much don't have a choice and when the email came through at 2:15pm on Friday asking if I could move this week or soon after my brain fully realised it's exhaustion and I ended up in the medical centre hyper-ventilating! Boy, I felt professional.
In the end I wrote a fairly objective (had Ben check it) email back explaining that I didn't think it would help, I didn't really understand then need or urgency and would it be possible to wait 'til Easter. Got one back at 4:45 saying that they though it was a good idea, it should happen but I could actually take my week off ad to think about it after the holiday. Then got another one about 30mins later saying we should discuss it when school starts back. Not entirely sure what's going to happen now!
Having said that, I've had some time to think, and it's been quite pleasant being on my own here without the GAPS and I appreciate that there will be tensions etc in the future. I guess I just don't like people making decisions for me without any consultation, especially when I'm exhausted and in desperate need of some chill time - and when has moving house ever been NOT stressful?
Anyhoo, I've been distracting myself quite well. Went up to Cov for a pancake party and helped move trees and bushes. Went to London to be industrilous on Monday night. Came away thinking that I should be persisterence although it may not get me anywhere (If you watch a certain programme on Sunday evenings..that'll make sense to you!). And had a fun night at BLOG rehearsal. We've started moving as opposed to just learning the music - was a great chance to learn everyone's names!
In a bit I'm heading into town to take advantage of a walking tour and then I'm finally going to get round to using my Twilight package at the Spa - never was it more needed!
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