Sunday, January 15, 2012

Line learning - never as easy as you think!

After a hectic week involving my birthday, moving house, 2 weekends in work, the birth of my nephew (4 weeks premature), first read through of Blood & Ice, going to see my tiny nephew and spending the day with him; I am sitting in Coventry waiting for the hour when I must pick up a sofa (and various other objects) from one house and take it and the objects either here of back to Bath - before heading out to a character workshop for B&I.

So I thought in this lull I should do some more studying up and line learning. I managed to put myself into a small state of terror by listening to the read through on my way up here last night - I stopped trying to repeat lines after about 15mins whilst the realisation of just how much I have to learn slowly dawned on me. I think what is worrying me more is that I've NEVER had this many lines to learn (or even half this many!) and it's been at least 5 years since I did any major bit of acting. Still, at this moment, I am still relishing the challenge do have decided to apply myself to the creation of a 2 timelines.

One to help me visualise Mary's life and the happenings there in

And one to help me plan out learning all of the dialogue.... I'll start with the 1 page which I do not speak on, and go from there!

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