Thursday, May 26, 2005

Am still here...wherever that is!

Distinct lack of posts since my last one. I must apologise but this has been one of the craziest 4 weeks I have ever known.

The ship is up and running now. Had a very shaky first week, especially as we got the passengers who weren´t interested in having a nice time but were looking for things to be wrong/go wrong and make big deals out of nothing!

Now however we have the nice passengers and the weather to go with it - this last week has been absolutely stunning - shame I´ve been woking like a badger and not had much chance to enjoy it!

My average day starts at 9:30 am (background music change) and finishes at 1:30am (taking the band off) so am very tired.(enough to be slurring when I talk and for folks back home to notice when I talk to them!) But Dante has a cunning plan so hopefully We´ll all get a more balanced day now!

The team are getting on well although everyone is feeling the starin at the minute but all seems cool and the crew party the other night was great!

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