Monday, May 09, 2005

"Tell The World To Go Away" (Disc 5 trk7)

An Appropriate quote form sorting the Kareoke Discs today where me and Vicks probvably got the closest to hysteria we´ve ever been!

Got a meeting in about 10 minutes so this will be a listed update.

Got to ship in Greece fine (Although Munich Airport is like being in some 50´s movie set in the future)

45 minute taxi journey was interesting, slept most of way.

Spent 3 HOURS in the port terminal waiting for all my papers etc to be sorted by the port agent.

Am Sharing a cabin onboard with Vicks. She´s the female Entshost. It was her Birthday the day after I arrived. Cabin is OK, got a port hole which is funky ...ahhh daylight!

Been working every hour I´m awake since I got onboard which seems like an eternity ago, and am now in a permament state of 1/2 consiousness, but still smiling!

On the fist day with passengers 2 memebers of our shall I put this... disembarked for various resons (the first one without telling anyone he was going) and the passengers this week are determined to find every possible thing wrong that they can!

On the other hand the team are great we´re all feeling the tiredness but we´re just keeping going and trying to cheer folks up! Gotta go, credit is going to run out.

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