Friday, April 23, 2010

One Day More.....

Last performance tomorrow. Another chartiy gig, but this time at Westonbirt school. I went over on Thursday morning to have a chat to the technician (of the IT variety) and see what was what.

Their stage is in the orangery, which is, just as you'd imagine, huge with very large windows. The whole building is stunning set in a massive amount of land (there was a herd of horses grazing when I drove it a herd?) and a wonderfully designed interior - apparently designed so it would be lit with as much natural light as possibe - and given the fact it was a clear blue sky adn blazing sunshine when I visited - it works!

So me and the intrepid prefects will be there tomorrow aternoon with hopes of sorting the lighting rig out, so at least all the lanerns are pointing at the stage, and getting the sound set up. Then we will attempt to clear out behind the 'back wall' so it can be used as a changing area....the girls don't know about this yet, a treat for them. Which reminds me, I should pick up a large amount of chocolate from somewhere.....

Not sleeping brilliantly at the mo. Discovered very quickly that there's not chance I will ever be able to lie-in or sleep late due to the loudness of the door that's right outside my bedroom into boarding. Early nights for me that's gonna work.....

Update: Milk in a bag (Jugit)- IN-genious. Although towards the end did start tasting a little plasticy. Worked well, no problems getting the dregs out and the lack of packaging is a definite plus.

New Word:  Dithyrambic 
1 a a wild choral hymn in acient Greece, esp. to Dionysus (memories of A-Level Theatre Studies flooding back) a  Bacchanalian song.
2 any passionate  or inflated poem, speech, etc. (This seems the appropriate meaning)

Source - Madame Bovary (it's actually turned up twice so was glad I looked it up!)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bags of milk, baby!

So an exciting (well, fairly - for the planet anyhoo) was made by me in Sainsbury's this week - Bags of Milk. You buy a special jug that you then put the bags in. It saves on packaging (and is also easier to freeze) which is better, not only for the environment, but also for my small abode where recyling space is at a premium! At the minute I have washed the jug, read the instructions and the bags are in the freezer awaiting their debut.

White Cargo (Windsor Selection)

I hae just finished reading the above book. It only took me 2 days! Felicity Kendal has always been one of my favourite actresses and when I lived back in Wythall I remember hearing that she'd lived, at some point, in Olton (about 3 stops on by train!). There were a few 'squee' moments when she spoke about Solihull but these were not the most happy times for her so the 'squee' was somewhat tempered. An absolutely fantastic and fascinating account of her life - especially her descriptions and recollections of growing up 'on the road' in India. I would recommend this book to anyone - even if they've never seen her perform. She is a great writer and if she ever does any more I'll be the first in the queue :) I'm now onto the Middlemarch-esque (If Middlemarch were moved to France) Madame Bovary.

Last night wasthe first night of B.L.O.G's "Songs from Four Shows", it went great! I managed not to fall over (as I so gracefully did in the tech) and the guys didn't tread on my feet so all was succesful in our USR corner ;) It's been so much fun getting back into singing, moving and working with a big ensemble onstage, and they're a very welcoming bunch of people, so all in all it's been a fantastic experience. Roll on tonight and tomorrow!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

BLOG away

Just back from my first (albeit charity) performance wih BLOG. It was definitely a slightly bizaree and yet cool experience.

Bizarre because I helped out by supplying some kit (and 2 students!) to help out with the microphone situation and so 2 worlds colded for a bit there. Still, L and J were great and very professional especially when diplomacy was called for and all went well in the end. Hopefully trying to sort something out for the next charity performance so will see how that goes. A bit of logitics re: cable to sort out but would be great experience for the girls so should be able to sort it.

It's so good to spend some time with people outside of school, interesting finding out what they all do and where they've all come from. This evening found out about a government 'procurer' and a HR person for the MOD. I just think it's it's cool what different people end up doing and yet can have the same love of theatre :) It's also good to be spending time in conversation with adults! ( not that my techies aren't fabulous coversationlists but, you know....)

Anyhoo, I feel a Large glass of red and no dinner is not exactly the best combination to be continuing so shall desist....goodnight.