Saturday, April 10, 2010

BLOG away

Just back from my first (albeit charity) performance wih BLOG. It was definitely a slightly bizaree and yet cool experience.

Bizarre because I helped out by supplying some kit (and 2 students!) to help out with the microphone situation and so 2 worlds colded for a bit there. Still, L and J were great and very professional especially when diplomacy was called for and all went well in the end. Hopefully trying to sort something out for the next charity performance so will see how that goes. A bit of logitics re: cable to sort out but would be great experience for the girls so should be able to sort it.

It's so good to spend some time with people outside of school, interesting finding out what they all do and where they've all come from. This evening found out about a government 'procurer' and a HR person for the MOD. I just think it's it's cool what different people end up doing and yet can have the same love of theatre :) It's also good to be spending time in conversation with adults! ( not that my techies aren't fabulous coversationlists but, you know....)

Anyhoo, I feel a Large glass of red and no dinner is not exactly the best combination to be continuing so shall desist....goodnight.

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