Their stage is in the orangery, which is, just as you'd imagine, huge with very large windows. The whole building is stunning set in a massive amount of land (there was a herd of horses grazing when I drove it a herd?) and a wonderfully designed interior - apparently designed so it would be lit with as much natural light as possibe - and given the fact it was a clear blue sky adn blazing sunshine when I visited - it works!
So me and the intrepid prefects will be there tomorrow aternoon with hopes of sorting the lighting rig out, so at least all the lanerns are pointing at the stage, and getting the sound set up. Then we will attempt to clear out behind the 'back wall' so it can be used as a changing area....the girls don't know about this yet, a treat for them. Which reminds me, I should pick up a large amount of chocolate from somewhere.....
Not sleeping brilliantly at the mo. Discovered very quickly that there's not chance I will ever be able to lie-in or sleep late due to the loudness of the door that's right outside my bedroom into boarding. Early nights for me that's gonna work.....
Update: Milk in a bag (Jugit)- IN-genious. Although towards the end did start tasting a little plasticy. Worked well, no problems getting the dregs out and the lack of packaging is a definite plus.
New Word: Dithyrambic
1 a a wild choral hymn in acient Greece, esp. to Dionysus (memories of A-Level Theatre Studies flooding back) b a Bacchanalian song.
2 any passionate or inflated poem, speech, etc. (This seems the appropriate meaning)
Source - Madame Bovary (it's actually turned up twice so was glad I looked it up!)
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