Thursday, July 28, 2005

Floor Filler´s are us!

This week on the ship we´ve had a film crew, they´re shooting video and stills for various adverts etc, which really heped me out when Djing. Because the camera´s were there evryone was on the dance floor solidly for about 2 hours - Fabulous!

Lots of teenagers on this week, they seme to hunt in packs. Also a few of them have not yet grasped the concept that chairs are for sittinog on. Not Standing on, climbing over the back of or indeed walking along the back of. So it was my duty to remind them of this.
"It´s my duty,
It´s my duty as an absolute b*****d"
(RD series 3 : Timeslides)

I´ve made a couple of music purchases to add to my growing collection:

Bought these mainly due to requests for things that I used to pay on the Spirit or for things that have recently come out and I´ve never heard them!!

These lat 2 weeks have been a bit of a reading marathon. If you look down the side bar to "Reading :)" then you will see 2 books that I read last week. Both fascinating in there own way if difficult toread. "Sickened" takes some getting into but is wirth it if you stick with it. It is written by a woman who suffered Munchausen By Proxy as a child and only discovered this whilst at University and is still coming to terms with it.
"one Child" is a brilliantly written insight into the the world of a teacher (Torey) who deals with kids (and adults) with beahavioural problems. She writes here of her experiences with one child in particular (sheila). This book takes you through many emotions I cried, smiled., ans was appaled at some of the occurences but it is absolutely gripping. I would recommend this book to anoyone thinking of going into teaching as this woman is amazing at understanding the way kids think and act. But overall a fantastic book about life, it´s baseness and the wonderful things that can happen when we show people we care.

This week I´ve had a complete change of pace and read the next 2 bboks in the ST:TNG series I´m reading at the moment - "A Time to......"
A Time to Kill
A Time to Heal

These are real action books but with some great character work. Because David Mack introduces new characters aswell as using the new additions to the crew used in previous books you are not always sure who´s going to make it through the battles, whereas you know that the main charcaters will as these are prequels to "Star Trek:Nemesis". It took me about 3 days to get through the first one (in between duties etc.) But I finished it whilst on the beach yeaterday afternoon, and started the second one, which I finished reading at about 3am this morning whilst DJing! I could not put it down. The speed at which the action travels, the uncertatinty of who was going to make it and the seemilng hopeless situation towards the very end of the book kept me so involved it was amazing!

Have ordered the final part, so have this week to get through Harry Potter before it arrives!

We are now officially half way through our contract wOOt! Am going to go on some tours, especially want to visit Pompeii. This week is Gibraltar week, Safeway here we come!!

Thursday, July 21, 2005


I´ve just pre-ordered ´Bewitched´ Series 1 - YEEYEY wOOt!

Back Pain and SIght Seeing

I had my second massage aboard the ship (well, ever actually!) this 2 days ago and this morning was the first the first time I could lean against something without my shoulder´s screaming for mercy. Apparently my back musculature is first degree screwed so I spent 30minutes trying to relax whilst switching between screwing my face up and calm due to that glorious ´nice´ pain you get when the right bit is being manipulated. My lower back has been really hurting for the last 6 weeks, mostly due to all the lifting and standing up for so long when Djing, on drill or any other job I have on here!

So away she pummeled, prodded and squidged and I have to admit that inside it felt better (although apparently it needs a lot of work!) but my back hurt to touch for the next 2 days.

I have started a real effort at sight seeing, finally, I mean geez I´ve only been on here what, 3 months! So in Tarragonna last week I visited the Roman Circus (lots of tunnels, pretty cool.

And yesterday in Barcelona I braved the Metro and visited the Sagardia Familia (I´ve probably spelt that completely wrong!) Gaudi´s amazing Temple/Cathedral. Wow, what a feat of engineering and artistic skill. Just the vision itself to create such a thing shows the man was a genius. It was all brought down to earth however when I found out how he died. He was hit by a tram, for some reason I find this really strange. An amazing man like that hit by a tram, bizzare.

Should get the new Harry Potter book today. Hopefully it will get to the port Agent before we leave. There´s quite a few of us waiting for it!