Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I ::heart:: Mr Jinks

Well, hellooo there.

Yes I realise it has been an inordinately long time since my last entry but with the combination of work and there being no internet access up here until today - on this mighty slllooowwww computer- I've not been able to tap.

Well, I'm here, safely. Toes are Ok-ish. Being on them all day isn't really agreeing with them but everyone's being realy cool about me not carrying heavy things - I've suddenly found I'm very aware of anything within a 1m radius of any foot ;)

There's ssoo much stuff I could write about but it's 2am and I have to be up bright and early, so here's a quick rundown:

* Plane was cool, goody bag fun - have added headphones this year - yey Virgin! (Although the ice lollies were to cold - some how attatched my lips to one.... don't laugh... it bled when I pulled it off :(

* Have been mostly cleaning bathrooms, vacuming, gardening and shifting furniture

* Coincidental People: Lauren - year below me at Uni
Jane - ASM/DSM on the Twit's (from The Belgrade)
Stella - worked in Red Lane at The Belgrdae doing Props (also on Twit's)
Tess - Office Chick - from Wellington, New Zealand. AS is Bex, Jo's Housemate.

* Have had 2 days off: a) went to Six Flags - theme park, like Alton Towers only, well....Better
Was in the car with Chris, Cindi, Tess and Millie laughed so hard I cried
on several occasions :)
b)Yesterday - went to a local lake (Lake Superior - not the big one) had a
BBQ, including corn cooked in the husks and Strawberry's with marshmallows!
Played Ball - various types - Frisbee and taking of silly photographs!

* Have taken to playing cricket with various folks of different nations, in the cabaret lobby. One of the tech staff actually cut us out a cricket bat today (we had been using a length of 3"x1"!) Much Darts playing and pool have been enjoyed at the ever wonderful 'Bummy and Kel's' Lakeside Tavern :)

The rest of the staff arrive on Wednesday so we're just doing the finishing touches. SHould know what show I'm working on by Saturday - and maybe they'll have this computer working to a speed where I can upload some pictures for your viewing pleasure! Will poast again soon hopefully.....

Oh, and by the way, Mr Jinks is the spray cleaner we've been using on everything - I'm pretty sure we've inhaled enough to keep us going for quite some time!

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