Monday, March 10, 2008

2 1/2 weeks later

So I've had the ironic hire car for over 2 weeks now - actually beginning to quite like it, at least, it's nice to have a car with heating and seats that support your back! Maybe they'll forget they gave it to me!

So, apparently, whiplash isn't over when the pain in your neck and shoulders stop.... who knew? I think I'm finally over it now - I've managed to lift stuff in the last 2 days without my back making ominous twinges so i guess that's good.

I've not heard much from the insurers in the last few days - I guess this means the other guy hasn't admitted liability yet. Not entirely sure what happens now, bit of a waiting game. I think the shock has finally worn off now. On Friday I actually managed to drive all the way to work without flinching every time o met a car coming the other way.

Things at work are going well, very busy week this week what with the Y13 assessments the Junior school plays, making the shadow theatre & puppets for the concert next week and building costumes and set with Helen and Jo but I feel pretty much on top of it so 'tis good.

P.S Gilmore Girls ROCKS!!! :)

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