Thursday, August 11, 2005

It´s raining men!

Well, not exactly but it rained! The first time I´ve seen rain in almost 3 months - very funky. We were in Mahon, Menorca. Not sure the passengers were that impresseed but we were v. excited!

Have watched all my Bewitched DVD´s, "marvelous". Am all twitched out (until the next series comes out ;))

I am hopefully going to Pompeii on Sunday. I can´t wait to go and see this place that you here about all the time. I can´t rally imagine what it will look like but by all accounts it is fascinating so look out for some pic´s etc next week.

Question: Why do PAX think that by insulting you/degrading your DJing ability/choice of music that you will play the song/music they like? Somebody explain the logic of that to me please!

On a plus point my rock sets that I throw in whilst DJing are going down a storm!

Been pretty homesick for the last 2 weeks. I´ve never really bee homesick before so it´s a strange experience! It´s not so much wanting to go home as just wanting to see people and check they´re still there! I´d love to go out for the day with my sister´s, sit in the garden with my mum, chat to my Dad at the pub and go round to my friend´s houses for a cup of tea and possibly a trip to Tesco´s! I´d also love to go to church, although I have just downloaded "The Word For Today" so at least that´s some help with reading my Bible everday!

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