Thursday, August 18, 2005

Left Handed Blog

My right hand and forearm are currently half ensconsed in fibreglass and bandaged up. So it is taking me twice as long to do modt things and my left suddenly feels like it´s been sent to labour camp.

The point by point reason being this:

On phone in Naples (in one of those 1/2 phone booths)

Danny (ents Host) walks past and decides it would be fun to test my reactions if someone were to try and steal my bag.

My reactions (after 5 years and 5 belts of Jujitsu) are better than he expected and I react to the arm intruding the booth by slamming myself into it and the corner if the booth.

Unfortunately the side of my hand gets trapped right on the edge of the booth.

It hurts

I ring my mum but have to say goodbye du to heat

And hand now quietly throbbing.

Walk back to ship, buy "Calippo" Ice Lolly to put on throbbing hand

It goes numb

Showing Vicks Pompeii photo´s

It´s now stinging intesley so Gavin rings Doctor.

Then follows an X-ray onboard, A trip to the Naples hospital (weird), A trip to Olbia´s hospital (damn scary), and then finally a trip to the military hospital in Toulon (lovely!). All to be told that I have severely bruised bone (my whole hand is swollen) and a possible fracture of a tiny bone in my wrist. S I have to keep this on until next Thursday and see how it goes. It´s more to stop me hurting it than anything else!

It does however men that most of the Ents team has either opened something for me, cut my food up or done my hair for me!

Bizzare Happening of The Week: Having a conversation in German with a Morrocan taxi driver in Barcelona

This week I have finished reading:

And it is a good finisher to the series. Not particularly exciting, but well written, strong characterisation. I particularly liked the last scene with Picard an Crusher, really good understanding of the characters and their history! and also the explanation for Wesley being in Starfleet Uniform at the wedding in ´Nemesis´ Whilst getting the link for this I have seen this new book,
Can´t wait!

At the minute I´m reading "When The Wind Blows" (see Side Bar). I´ve never read any James Patterson before but will definitely be devouring some more soon. (especially as Vicks retrieved most of them from the library for me!) The action moves at an incredible pace, no wasted words and twists aplenty. It leaves you reeling and almost short of breath to read.

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