Thursday, September 15, 2005

"..So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish.."

We have a new batch of movies (Films, I´m English, come on brain sort it out..) and at the moment the one that contains the above quote is my favourite. Think I might go and buy the CD!

Well, no entry last week because, quite frankly, I´ve been too busy and my head is spinning trying to remember all the things I´m supposed to do!
We were supposed to get a new technician this week. The it turned into one of those is he/isn´t he situations which resulted in Richard (CD) frantically tring to find a tranquliser/ some syanide and me and the boys not really caring anymore! So we are still three and things are just about fine.

Noone is officially Stage Manager. I´m doing all the paperwork and the lights for the shows but I can´t be SM because if we get a new tech then he´ll be doing lights so I won´t be on the shows (although I fell it has more to do with keeping Felino happy) and Fel can´t be because, well, he barely does the work he´s supposed to so getting him to do more is just an impossibility. He has spent the time since Dante left trying in everyway possible to take advantage of the fact that noones officially in charge and trying to get out of as many duties as possible.
Also he keeps suggesting changes that would "make all our lives easier". However me and Sebi are hardened to his tactics and now everytime that phrase leaves his mouth we try and figure out why his suggestion would be advantageous to him (usually meaning less work) and what we´d have to do to cover him. So basically he´s not getting away with as much as he could with Dante and it´s p*****g him off. Me and Sebi however...well....couldn´t care less!

Apart from that I´m enjoying the new level of responsibilty, the fact I´m involved in the shows and that I get to do sound for the group Cabaret´s and that Sebi is getting a chance to do loads of new stuff!

In the last 2 weeks I´ve been to Rome (although I´m going back for a closer look!) and wandered around Cadiz. I went on a tour to the Alhambra Palace (thought to be the fabled Hanging Gardens of Babylon) and it was gorgeous (although getting up for 7am was NOT!).

Also we went to Gibraltar this week. It was their National Day so everything was shut, but man, do these people know how to do a national day. And they were all fighting to stay British - Governments take note. Here is a picture of people united - I would like to give it the title "Spot the Tourist"

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