Monday, August 27, 2007

My minds a spinnin'!

Camp was a truly amazing experience - one which I hope to repeat next year. The weather was fairly changeable but the spirit of the Team and the campers (and God of course!) was fab and made the two weeks a very special experience. I ended up doing something on almost every team - and even 4 1/2 hours of boiler duty was fairly enjoyable:)

So tomorrow is the big move. I don't feel entirely prepared but will pray a lot and I have sorted out directions and written out lists of what I need to take where. I'm mainly worried about getting all the stuff in the van and (that would be from 3 locations in Bidford and then to Brum to my Dad's storage for some other stuff!)getting to Bristol on time but hopefully it'll all work out :)

I am also fairly conscious of the fact that my first day in school is Friday and I've not had much chance to sit down and let it all soak in (never mind finish reading Harry Potter!?!) so hopefully tomorrow will go smoothly and I'll have 2 days in the flat to potter (no pun intended....) about and read all the info they've sent me. They really do go out of their way with the new staff to make sure you feel welcome and that you know who to go to with what query - I'm very excited if a bit trepidatious!

Also Moffy is leaking water from somewhere - if she can just hang on 'til we get down to Bath then I'll have lots of time to sort her out...bless...she got up Porlock Hill so definitely deserves some TLC.

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