Friday, August 03, 2007

Moving Date!

This not to say a rendevous on roller blades but I have the date that I can pick up the keys for my flat! It is.....drum roll please...... the 27th of August. Which is either the day that camp finishes or the day after. That gives me 4 days to sort the place out before starting at the school. Also I feel a trip to IKEA (in Bristol..oo so close) coming on as I will need a sofa/futon bed thing for my living room and a sturdy coffee table (plus some sort of shelving for the TV - but that's a whole other story). I am really quite excited about this, although I won't be completely chilled and psyched until I have the keys in my hand!!!!!

1st night back at the pub tonight, felt good - especially now with the smoking ban I no longer come home stinking of smoke, yey!

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