Saturday, July 04, 2009

The packing begins

I am busily trying to sort all my kit out on the dining room table (that is, it was our dining table in Ann Road - now it sits in my living room looking forlorn and over-dressed) and I may need to open the other 'leaf'. SLightly worrying as I'm not sure how it's all going to fit in with only 1 'leaf' and the middle bit.

I also had a fabulous epiphany moment and have realised (I REALLY hope) where my fleece is. Safely locked in the sports hall PA cupboard, I mean, where else would it be?

anyhoo, enough with the procrastinations. The GAPS have gone out and I have the flat to myself.

.."Oh joy, oh rapture unforseen, for now the sky is all serene....."

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