Tuesday, March 30, 2010

the last sleep.... hopefully

For the final time I am tapping out my midnight ponderings and surfing the web in my spacious Gatehouse flat. For tomorrow some folks are coming to help me shift my bed and coffee table (yes, the coffee table is vital...) up to the new place.

I'll still have quite a bit of stuff hanging around in the living room (especially seen as I won't have a wardrobe or chest of drawers until Thursday!) but I shall be able to chill and sleep in the same place, which'll be a novelty! Although for full internet access I'm still gong to have to  haul over here as it's not been sorted at the new place yet *grrr*.

Highly excited about the trip to Cov for Jo's birthday meal - and some wandering around IKEA, especially as it's not my money I'm spending. Well, it is, but I'll get it back...you know what I mean. Still, handing our own card over isn't quite as freeing as having someone else's, alack,  never mind.

I have decided that from now on when I hear a word that I do not know the exact meaning of a word (i.e. I can probably figure it out and blag my intelligence quite nicely!?!) I am going to look it up and attempt to use in a scentence. This is mostly because I've found my big dictionary since moving and I feel bad that it sits and I do not look beneath it's covers.

New word for the week:
rectitude - moral uprightness
(source - Cranford)

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