Tuesday, December 16, 2003

By 'eck it's cold!

Yesterday was my last day off until christmas day, as panto has now taken over. I got my cheque from the theatre to fill in the gap between my earnings on this and what I would have earned doing the other one, so for the first time in about 3 years my overdraft doesn't hit 4 figures - YEY!!! Am being very consientius about saving. Really want to clear all my debt, get a flat and all that lark as I will soon be the grand old age of 23 :*

Am on a bit of a mission about my old school drama group Absolute Beginners. They're having a bit of a time of it what with people trying to get rid of it etc (they claim they're not (TPTB that is) so nthat will be my first conversation to establish the truth from the c**p). But have basically pointed out that because it's technically an indeopendent drama group they don't need the school's permission to put on a show they can still put one on but somewhere else.

Have to go - Act 2 beginner's has been called

more ranting later!

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