Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Panto has begun

Panto is up and running. Had our public dress this afternoon - it went OK. The public very noisy (chatting etc) and the cast spent most of their time shouting or getting them to be quiet! Emma seemed to be able to control them so maybe Cinders should be on more!

Feeling a bit blue though. I guess I'm used to being SM or at least doing panto at the Palace (Theatre, Redditch) where they know me and what I've done - so I know where I stand and I don't feel so out of it as I do now. I feel as if they're this group and them I'm just kind of standing on the outside trying to get in. Mostly used to feel like that at school so it's really not good feelibng like this. I'm sure over the weeks I'll get to know them but right now I feel a bit out of it. Also - yesterday would have been the 1st day of rehearsals for Clever Polly.

Half an hour call - better go and turn the spots on. :)

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