Tuesday, October 12, 2004

"Woah doggy"

Expression above courtesy of Nathan Wylie Van Kampen!

Man haven't posted for a bit.

SIMS 2 plods along begrudgingly on my laptop, am in discussion with Nick Bridgen as to adding RAM to help (I think so - a decent graphics card might be handy too!) but hey, it's playable even if the graphics are top notch and it's a bit jerky and slow - and it rocks! I keep finding things they can do, and they have wants and fears now to make it more interesting. They can even send each other emails on the computer as well as cooking specific things for meals - Faayyybb

The rehearsal for the show last night was PainfuL. Most of the folks with cameo parts (ie Me, Adam, Joy, Edd (in absentia!), Pete) knew our lines and what we were up to. Whereas those with bigger parts (no Father's name's mentioned!) seemed to lose the plot after about 4 pages and the evening stretched out before us like a horrible vacum of anti-comedy.

Then certain people were whinging about how little direction some of us were getting and felt like slapping them and telling them to 'stop being so b****y childish' and "if they had problem to speak to the director AND STOP FLIPPIN COMPLAINING TO ME!!!!!"

Having composed myself enough to deal with wearing my costume for the first time - (oh yes, the short skirt and revealing top was decided upon - quel surprise!)- and having that much of my legs on display (that being practically all of them) the last thing I needed was a load of back stabbing! Don't get me wrong, they're a lovely bunch, but most people (me included) was having foul day yesterday and just weren't in the mood to be there.

Also, another thing struck me. We usually go to the pub after rehearsal (I say we, lately it's been me, Adam and Edd!) and I miss it when we don't. Last night I reaslised why. Practically everyone in the company has got someone to go home too. Someone they can discuss the evning with and who will (hopefully!) sympathise with their point of view or just listen to them and then give them a hug, kiss and tell then it'll all work out in the end.
I don't have anyone who's there for me. I come home and, if I've not had the chance to chill out and vent some frustration through conversation and a laugh at the pub, I sit and brood over the evenings event's and occasionally it really gets to me. I'm very receptive (usually) to emotion's, vibes and situation's going on around me, even when people don't realise I can tell. This makes it even worse to go home and have no way of working out my feeling's other than by letting the water-works run for a few minutes.
I do enjoy it and I love those guy's, they're like a random family to me, but sometimes I feel as if they don't know me at all.

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