Saturday, November 27, 2004

Lady of Leisure

Well that's it. I have now officially finished work for the next 3 weeks until my time aboard the good ship 'Spirit' begins. It was a fairly usual day - except I was in the kitchen because AJ got stranded at the NEC! They'd written me a leaving card which was lovely - and totally unexpected, which is a novelty for me ;)

There is only one major downside. And that is that Russell (TPTB) hasn't yet sorted out my new mini-disc player. After mine was stolen form the club he said he'd sort out getting me a new one. Well that was over a month a go and he appears to have done Jack about it. I've gotten him proof of ownership, a price for a new one, heck, I even went on the net and found it cheaper AND gave him a print out of the website. He was having a particularly bad week at on point so he told me not to mention for a week - so I didn't mention it - for TWO weeks, and now he's just being bloody awkward! I know he's having hassle's, but heck, he ain't seen nothing if this doesn't get sorted. He could just give me the money and I could get it, maybe then he'd actually have the incentive to sort it out with the insurer's!

A Family in SIMS 2 had Twins - v. exciting!

Have found this fab new online game - Racing Frogs, mine's called FEEK and I race in Stumpy Creek. We used to have this on the table consoles at The Opal Lounge, definitely a good laugh!

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