Friday, November 05, 2004

One of those days, but with a major good point!

Moffy is playing up, something to do with her fuel pump I think. I'll work it out at some point!

This is my first night at home (ie no rehearsals/work/social event) for practically 2 weeks! I'm shattered! Work today was a fiasco, everyone's getting fed up with disorganisation scenario and the lack of stock/change. It's not helping us do out jobs and we're losing customer's.

Having said that 2 of the regulars (Liz+Leanne) are coming to watch the play next week! Rehearsals are going OK. We had our last 'out of theatre' rehearsal last night. It was a bit naff but the room wasn't very good and everyone's getting tired. We got to rehearse on the stage on Wednesday and it made such a difference. It felt sooo much better, even if most of the bits we were concentrating on were mine and I had to stand up for a looong time in the high heels! There's a preview in this week's Redditch Advertiser there is a photo as well so everyone has a view of my stocking tops....classy :)

Had a blast at my social events last week. Clare's birthday meal was good. Got to chat to a couple of people I wouldn't normally. Felt a bit out of place, but had a fun evening!

Naomi + Scott's wedding reception was great. She looked gorgeous and the evening was a blast. Saw loads of the actor's from my year at Uni. I found it quite amusing when each one of them asked "What are you doing here" to which I truthfully replied "I was invited".

Had even more fun when I offered Robbie, Simon, Tashi + Mark a lift to their hotel. See the entry entitled "Halloween 76: The Bournville 5"

I think Tall, Dark + Handsome has given up on me - kind of understandable seen as I've not exactly been available. Shame though, really like him.

Now to the good point: I have a job for when I come back. Not only that but...
*It's Stage Management
*It's for a Christian Event
*It's in Birmingham
How cool! I had a meeting with Jon Hitching this morning about the event called "b-cent 23-7". Basically next year is the Church of England in Birmingham's centenary and during the coming months loads of events are going on. This event will be the culmination for the whole year - it's a massive youth event lasting all day with a main stage, bands, speakers, Graffiti Wall, Velcro Wall, Break Dancing Area, Craft Tent + prayer tent. It's gonna rock :)! I can't really do much until I have all the tech specs for the bands etc, but most of my job will be keeping on top of everything and ensuring everything and everyone is where they are supposed to be - fabulous:) This really is an answered prayer and will still needs lots of it during the year!

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