Friday, February 11, 2005

Mended Footsies

It´s been a year since my Operation. Wow, where did that year go? I still remember vividly having to phone the hospital on the Thursday afternoon to see if they had a bed for me. I was so nervous, my hand was shaking as I lifted the receiver! But the whole thing went pretty well.

It really has made such a huge difference. I spent about 7 years of my life with severe pain in my big toe joint after every day spent on my feet, I was frequently in tears because it hurt so much. My steel toe caps that I had to wear for work/Uni made me cringe everytime I put my feet in then because I knew the pain I was going to be in after a few hours. But now all that is gone and replaced with a ´normal´ ball of the foot pain from wearing the strappy shoes I have to wear onboard that is perfectly dealable with!

I can however predict when it´s going to rain and occasionally my right toe gives me a bit of pain but on the whole the change is amazing!

This week has been good. We had some 2-weekers on from Glasgow who were up in HS every night so we spent time chatting about the happenings in that fair city, apparently ´The Shack´and ´Trash´(the club underneath it) burnt down, scary!

My aim this week is to get to grips with the Lighting Desk upstairs, apparently it was programmed somewhere back in the mists of time and noone knows whats connected to what so there is my challenge!

I was on line dancing with Dom twice this week and I´m down for it again tommorow! You never know I might have actually remembered the dances this time! It´s fun to do some other stuff aswell :)

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