Monday, January 26, 2004

Maybe this time?

Lets see if this works.....

While I'm here, met a right arrogant g*t in the club last night. He's from London so he thought that meant he was God's gift to anyone living/working outside of there. He asked for my phone no. I was flattered - sort of- so gave it to him - they never ring anyway! This one did though, when I was on my way home. All he wanted was the obvious, txtd that I wasn't interested so he rang when I got home, and spent about 10mins trying to convince me that he was worth breaking the "no sex before marriage" thing.

Yeah right - even in the dark with the light behind him he was no picture! When I answered the phone he said I didn't sound like me, then as if he wanted confirmation of who I was he asked me to descibe him - to be honest the only thing I could remember was the fact he had dark hair and was - how should we put this - exercise-ly challenged! So I said the first description and on he went.
I feel a lesson should be learned from this, although I feel the application of that lesson could be altered depending on the work of art in front of you ;) !

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