Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I've got a cold - again!

This one snuck up on me though. I was sat in rehearsal last night when at about 9pm I got the 'pre-cold tingle' in my throat.

This usually gives me about 12 hours warning - enough time to down a load of hot drinks, vitamin C - and if possible some cold capsule's - and head it off before it gets it's grimy hands on my sinus system.

This one however had other plans.

Went to the pub after rehearsal's started to feel rough and then when I got home - about 11:30pm my nose started running and I was in full "feel like poo" mode. I mean, just what the heck is that about? I know there's no cure for The Common Cold TM but come on, at least it could stick to the plan!

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