Sunday, May 16, 2004

Changing Barrels

The last 3 nights at the club have ben sooo busy. Thursday was a special R'n'B night and there was only me and Anne on and it was heaving! The music was good though. Friday and Saturday we had enough people but the punters were being abnoxious (mainly men in the 30-40 bracket) and who seem not realise that the ruder they are the less likely it is that they are going to get served!

By being rude I mean, Whistling at us, waving money/their hands in our faces, SHouting or even singing "Why are we waiting". One guy was actualy trying to get this woman (whom he didn't know) to order his drinks and she couldn't concentrate to tell me her order; so, I put on my best "back off" voice and told him in a firm but calm manner to "SHUT UPPPPPPPPP!" and he did. It seems that they have lost their manners and so this qwould be the best way to communicate!

I did however manage to teach Penny how to change a barrel, and Anne Marie's little brother how to serve a drink, and where everything was on the till (and then he b******d off without any warning - very wierd!!) I had to do the stock check aswell and do the order for the drinks next week - all good stuff!

Put the set up at the theatre this morning, went to wathc AAOS in the afternoon and saw some more familiar faces, and off to group in a bit. What a gorgeous day weather wise! Shame I was inside for most of it!

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