Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Spring is about

*Plane Ticket Book

*Toby's present has gone down well (I made him a book called "Moffy's Busy Day" - he loves my car (a Morris Minor) and as 'm going away I made him a book aout her :))

*May have to have another small Op when I'm back from the States, my right foot has too much bone under the scar and is causing problems so the surgeon wants to remove the screw head, the bit of offending bone and the scar (not sure how that works but hey!)
All good Fun :)

* Caught sight of the rapidly growing tadpole's in the pond, and a frog popped up to say 'hi' whilst I crouched for a relaxing 20 minutes watching them. It's amazing, you can see their tiny froggy eyes and every so often they put their mouths up to breathe :)

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