Thursday, May 13, 2004

ta dah......

Well, finally!

I know it's been an age since I last wrote, but as you can see blogger has changed a bit and some of the new designs they have really took my fancy so I've been playing around with a few and this is the result (until I get bored!) I hope you like it!

I'm FAMOUS....

Well for about 1 minute last Sunday morning! (3:30am-ish) I was....... I texted in to Radio 2 - Sybil Ruscoe's show - on me way home from work, as I was listening. Mentioned I was driving home from work and have to get up in the morning to do the get-in at the Palace (voluntarily I might add!)and she mentioned it - HOW COOL IS THAT - I was highly excited :S

Had a difficult week last week really. Just feeling low generally at the beginning of the week. Rehearsal made me feel awful on Monday. Too many emotions flying around and people taking their irritation out on me didn't help. Brett and Clare were fab though
when I appeared on their doorstep at about 11pm! Rehearsals were better on Wednesday. Had managed to make the fake spliffis, toffee tin and the flower photo's so everyone was feeling a little less stressed.

The lunar eclipse was cool on Tuesday. Went out on Wedneday to take some photo's of the still slightly red - but always awesome moon:

The show is on next week, so I'm busy rushing around doing final things. For example trying to locate a 1950's breast pump! Adam eventually found one but it was entertaining looking! I spent today at the Belgrade Theatre recording the sound effects for AAOS "singing in the rain" which is also on next week! I managed to get hold of a sound editing programme while I was there and a promise of a copy of all the sound effects Steve has (mainly so I don't go pestering him again!) Look at me, the ultimate sound woman! wOOt :)

Eye day at the hospital tomorrow.......

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