Monday, May 03, 2004

Precious Vision

as I have been surfing on this Bank Holiday afternoon the weather (and subsequently my mood!) has been changing rapidly - that is the sun keeps going in and out - most frustrating!

I have just set up a new email account that blogger members have a chance to test (from Google) and have bee scouting round blog directories seeing if I can add this site to them - yes I am officially that bored. I stayed uo 'til 2 this morning doind the sound and LX scripts for TMOW so now I have nothing left to do for this evening - it's a wierd feeling!

At the this week I've been learning chinese from Anne - one of the chinese staff (oddly!) I can now count to ten (and have nearly mastered writing it down) and wriet my name - Rebbecca - in chinese. How cool is that - it's flippin' complicated - you have to draw the characters in the correct order. So prioritising up->down, left->right. Have learned some basic greetings aswell but am not too good at them!

I have my appointment to see the Opthoptist about my eyes - it's on the 13th of May. I have to admit to being nervous about it.

I have a disease called "lattice degeneration of the retina" in both eyes. It is hereditary - although none of my family have the disease - as far as we know. I was diagnosed with it when I was're not supposed to get it until you're 60+, so I am in a 'bit' of a minority! It means that weak patches are forming on the backs of my eyes which may enventualy lead to retinal detatchment and blindness.

They can reattach the retina's, but my vision will not be as good as it was. As I am VERY short-sighted (myopic)(I can't even tell that the big letter at the top of the eye test board is even there!) AND have astigmatism the fact that my vision will be even WORSE if they have to reattatch them hardly fills me with glee. At least I'll still be able to see colour and stuff, I do realise how lucky this makes me.

So basically, this check-up is to see how/if the disease is progressing, and if so how quickly so they know what I can expect and how careful I have to be.

I try not to think about it too much as, quite frankly, it scares me. So any prayers, mojo or even passing thoughts on the 13th will be much appreciated :)

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