Friday, December 24, 2004

First Passengers

As I´m typing the first passengers will be boarding the ship. I don´t start my duties until 4 pm (when I´m on call) so I thought I´d escape into town for a bit, brave the post office nd attempt to buy som postcards!

My Spanish is expanding everyday and hopefully will continue to do so, as I´m getting fed up of pointing to myself and saying ´Ingles´ with an apologetic shrug. This morning starts the 5 months of being in Uniform. The only time I am permitted not to wear my uniform is if I´m in my cabin, or leaving the ship. I also don´t have to wear it if I´m walking around crew areas, however as my cabin is on a passenger deck this make it quite tricky!

It is 29´C outside right now. Blue sky with a few clouds and a slight breeze. It feels like the middle of summer which is making it nigh on impossible to believe it´s CHRISTMAS tommorow!!!! There is a service in the morning at 10. I really want to go but I´m not going finish work until at least 3am so we´ll see!

We sail at midnight and I´m not entirley sure where I´ll be tommorow so I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas Day, and try to remember what it´s actually about and not stress over the other stuff :)

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