Friday, April 30, 2004

People News

Had an eventful TMOW rehearsal on Wednesday. In the break Denise learned that her Great Uncle had died. He had been v. ill so it was expected but it still really upset her. She decided to carry on with rehearsals. But the next bit was one of the sister's talking about how the hospital had rung to say that their mother was dead.

It was gut wrenching sitting there, trying to look at the script to prompt them if needed, always being acutely aware of the impact the words were having on Denise. Sue was finding it hard to get through the speech but we got there in the end. I think it was good that we did get through the scene because otherwise, everytime we have come to have done it in the future it would have been even more awkward.

I was just checking my usual web haunts and read that Carl Samuelson, founder of Stagedoor Manor as we know it, died last week. Now, I'm not trying to claim that I knew him that well because I really didn't. But he created that amazing place and was a 'summer Dad' to so many of the kids that his passing is truly a great loss. Camp will feel very different this year, but we will do our best to make him proud.

On a good note Wil Wheaton (and wife Anne's) friend Kris, has just been told that she is clear from Lukemia!! Anne and Wil have been writing about her struggle since she was diagnosed with it and are taking part in a walking marathon for a cancer charity. SO that cheered me up a bit.

On a more 'normal' note, I have loads of work to do for the shows I'm working on so's I best get to it...

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