Sunday, March 01, 2009

Cream Crackered

Am now chilling out and making lists for tomorrow (when did I become a list person?) after walking about 20km with almost my entire kit for Peru!

Me and 3 of the Peru Crew joined the Silver DofE'ers and the Ten Tors lot on their 2nd training walk today. It was perfect weather for it and I am very proud of how they did. One of the girl's has dyspraxia which makes her balance quite tricky but she managed brilliantly! Am feeling better for several reasons:
- I'm pretty sure all my kit will fit in my rucksack
- The walking poles were a brilliant buy! (They really do help your knees etc - bizarre...)
- I'm about 3 times as fit as I was last year - the final hill was nowhere near as hard!
- I know that I can deal with all the weight on my back
- I have found the perfect sock combination (that includes tubi-grips!)

All in all a succesful day. I have spent rather a lot of money on kit this weekend but I was back in the black for the 1st time in 5 years, albeit briefly, and I thought if I get it now then I don't have to worry about it any more. Only little things like iodine tablets and re-hydration powders now....well and the £150 I've got fork out for vaccinations but heigh-ho!

Next week is the dance show. Have still to program the moving lights so that's my main job tomorrow. In between teaching Y9's about make-up design, Y12's about 1:25 scale model building and working from costume patterns and checking the set design's for the Y13's - I love my job....weird but wonderful.

On the Peru front there has been a bit of a set back, which hopefully will be resolved soon. Can't say too much in case one of the girl's finds this page! But it is a little stressful and I'm not sure how the parents will react......still, we shall see.

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