Monday, March 23, 2009

The sky at night

Just wandering home from the Y13's assessment evening and paused to look up at the starry sky..... only a short pause due to the biting wind but lovely and worth while one!

One of the things I miss most about being on the ships is the space. Ironic, you might think, as I shared a small cabin, lived and woked with the same 25 people for 8 months and sometimes couldn't find a place to be alone. But some of my favourite moments were when I had finished DJing or been up late working and I used to go up onto the top deck and just look out across a dark sea into nothing, and then look up at a perfectly clear and uniterrupted (except for the horizon) sky and see the stars. The more I looked the more I saw and the more it made me marvel at the amazing creation of the Universe. However you believe it got there/ we got here it is still a beautiful, awesome thing to admire and wonder about.

Tonight, I stood in the middle of the hockey pitch. There was no extreaneous light, no throbbing engines, and no background music (bane of my flippin' life!). Just an owl hooting, the sound of the wind, and the very quiet murmur of the traffic on the A4. Gorgeous :)

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