Friday, November 21, 2003

Clouds, Silver Lining etc....

Feeling better today. It's now 3 days after 'dark grey' Tuesday and things are looking up. Still not doing that show but there's a whole deal going on with breach of contract so I guess some good may come of it.

Also I'm probably now doing follow spot for Panto at the Belgrade so at least I have something to do over christmas. It finishes on the 17th of Jan though - which leaves me only 4 days between that and my operation, that's probably a good thing too though!

I'm still pretty hacked off about the whole thing. They were umming and ahhing about the show all year, then they finally decide to do it - get us to sign contracts and then a month later ,(only 2 weeeks before rehearsals start) they decide to pull it. They gave some reasons but mainly I think it was money. It's sad that I won't get to see Keddy and the guys again - it would have been great to work with them again and to spend time exploring London, heigh ho......

Going to work now, last night at the club next week, that's a bit sad aswell really!

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