Friday, November 14, 2003

It was a dark and Stormy night....

my Dad told me that rhyme when I was little and I still remember it now even with the voice he used :)

Well, I met up with me Pontin's mates (Donna and Byron). It was good. Bit strange seeing them again after doing so much in between but it was really cool. Donna was on a Christmas shopping MISSION. Once she got over the initial hurdle of spotting things for herself she was well away ;) Should be going down next we to see everybody and hopefully borrow some DVD's of ST:TNG of Dean (for when I have my Op and can't walk for about 6 weeks - fun!)

One thing in my life that I've had to get used to since I was about 17 is people (even people I know quite well!) thinking I'm some other nationality or that I'm mixed race. Tonight I got one of the most popular one's..."are you half Chinese?" A guy who is actually half Chinese was convinced of this fact about 4 weeks ago! I'm actually just English really (Brummy born and bred for about 3 generations at least - just without the accent!) I am a 1/16 Irish (which could account for a lot, but not much about the was I look;)). I always say I have a list which I did have somewhere but I lost it so I'll start one here....A list of nationalities people think I (or one of my parents) am..
Native American
Kiwi (New Zealand)
Argentine (I have noooooo idea!)
Not a bad list for a girl from a village on the very outskirts of Birmingham!

Went to see Sonyanette(Son) and Toby today. Toby is 17 months now and managed to say "Bec" today which was v.exciting ( is!) I finally introduced Son to Clare (who's baby Abigail will be 7 weeks old tomorrow..All together now...ahhhhhh!) when we delivered the amazing swinging chair!

Got work at the Belgrade fro 3 nights next week, and told me Boss when my last night at the club would be. Quite an organised day for me really :)

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