Wednesday, November 12, 2003


Hope you took the time to remember all those brave people who have fought and those that died so that we may have our freedom. I know it would be a better world without war but these people risked there lives for us so its good to just focus on that today. I think about my grandads (they both fought in WWII) and of all the people who are out there now. I have quite a good imagination and it scares me to think what it must have been like for them out there.

Tomorrow I should be meeting up with some friend's from Pontin's. I'm excited about seeing them again and showing them my stuff from this summer. I bought a self sticky album so hopefully should be able to organise some of it!

Managed to get the secret tape on the "Downhill Jam" in Tony Hawkes 1. I love to complete games entirely (which is why I don't have many!) My favourite game of all time is either The Sims/Zelda and the Ocarina of time. (role play rules!)

Patrick Stewart is on an advert for Marks&Spencers. He's reading a Fairy tales Book and the stories are slightly different (and visualised with recognisable people - Emma Bunton, wil young etc) it's nicely done and he definitely is all "*Magic and Sparkle*"! ;)

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