Saturday, November 15, 2003

The Outbacker...

This evening a guy at the bar asked asked me if I was from New Zealand - I grabbed Abiee and made him say it again - just to prove to someone that people really do think I'm from another country (if not planet!) and she decided to do a Polish accent and have a laugh - he believed her, slighty worrying that!

Anyway he asked me twice more to reassure him that I really wasn't from New Zealand, so I said 'no' in sort of "don't-ask-me-again-or-you-may-not-get-the-drink-you-were-expecting-but-i'm-still-being-polite" kind of voice, and he said, and I quote....." It's just that you have a kind of 'Outback' look".............. What the hell is an OUTBACK look? Has anyone ever seen an 'OUTBACK' person, could this be a new place to add to my list?????? He wasn't even vaguely inebriated which makes it even more worrying!

Spent a few hours at Brett and Clare's tonight with Clare and Baby Abigail, she's grown a lot since the last time I held her - but she still feels as light as a feather - kind of odd to think there's all that small person and she ways so little. I even got a smile which was wonderful :)

Got the new date for my foot (well feet really!) operation today. Rang to see if they had an idea when it would be and we sorted it out then. It's on the 21st of January and I'll be in day clinic. I think that means I go in at about 7:30am they do the Op and then I go home in the evening. Got to admit I'm a bit nervous 'cos of what they'll be doing to me and the fact that I don't stay in over night. I'm having my Big Toes straightened (involves lots of sawing and screwing of bones, youch) because they've been painful nearly everyday for the last 4 years and are now causing hastle for my other toes so they feel they need to be sorted. I'll be in plaster for 6 weeks if everything goes well, although they're not giving me a wheelchair so's I keep my muscles moving - I hope the painkillers are good!

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