Sunday, March 21, 2004

Farewell Sex and the City

Went to see Starsky and Hutch tonight with Paul. It was pretty cool - some very funny moments - some bits when they were trying a bit too hard, Snoop Dog was great, the car stuff was pretty good too! - Although the ending with the original guys is sooooo contrived it doesn't actually fit - but it was nice to see them!

Started to sort out a load of paperwork today. Why is it when you start doing one thing to do with papers etc you suddenly think of about 8 other jobs that need doing?! I've got props lists, setting lists, lx + sound plots to do for TMOW. A LX design for Lark Rise (at Alcester Grammar School) and start working out the technical/Stage Management workshops I'm running there for Absolute Beginner's -ahhhhh! Lots to do in my last 1 1/2 wks on invalid row!

Moffy (my Morris Minor) is going in for a wee overhaul on Thursday - just the Head Gasket,.....Brake Master Cylinder......Front suspension - you know - nothing too major! - bet she still won't pass her M.O.T! Bless :)

My sister's (Jo - the one who's 1yr younger than me!) VW Golf is off to that big car park in the sky tommorow - she's somehow managed to persuade my Dad to GIVE (almost) her his 2ltr Volvo (which he's selling) and I do mean handing over the paper's an all. Now this may not seem much except that she still owes him money from buying the Golf AND he's said he'll give her money towards a new car (yeah. like she needs it with that Volvo!). She's managing to wangle all this by milking the fact that he said the Golf was alright to buy (about 3 yrs ago) when it actually had a crack in the manifold and has since had a few other problems (It's an F reg so far from new but still....). I have to say I'm ::slightly hacked off:: by this.
Honestly my sister could sell snow to Eskimo's (or Inuit if we're being PC) and still look entirely innocent! - Mainly - I wish I'd though of it first! I'd not sell Moffy, but it would give the old girl a well deserved rest. I'd only have had the Volvo until I go to America in June and then Jo could have had it - ah well.........Que ce ra, ce ra (or however that's spelt - Doris Day - what a woman!)

Hope everyone's got Mother's Day sorted........:)

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