Wednesday, March 03, 2004

hmdy hmdy hm...

Well chaps, I'm bored - and that's about it really. I do have things I can do, i.e read, watch mindless TV (did that practically all day yesterday), DVD's/Video's, do quiz books. But to be honest I've kinda lost the will to do stuff.

I'm going to start reading "The purpose driven Life" this evening. My Church is doing it for Lent - it has something to read, think about, and answer everyday. I didn't manage to get hold of a book 'til yesterday so i'm about a week behind. We started looking at it in group on Sunday night, it seems really good. A lot of stuff was spoken about that evening which isn't usually and it helped me feel as if this might help me get back on track with God instead of the trapesing along I seem to be doing at the moment.

I guess I should go do something - I can't stand up for too long at the mo - my feet (well what I can see of them!) keep going purple and tingly so making a sandwich is about the most I can manage.

Frasier's on tonight - yey!

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