Monday, March 29, 2004

Peace of the evening

Walked home from group tonight,
Was wierd to feel my feet trying to walk normally,
The sky was cloudy, dark and yet, somehow seemed bright
With patterns and colours
It seems full of possibilities

The haze from the sports centre away over the hill,
The orange beams from the street lights
Only the low zum of busy by-pass in the distance
And that tingling in the ears that comes from no noise at all

Suddenly it didn't seem real
I stopped - actually stood in the middle of the road and looked around
The houses seemed empty, and yet were full of families
A Light flicks on in one of the bedrooms, I'm drawn to it

As I turn the noise of my 'Vans' shoe on the gravelly pavement
seems fake
and yet, the most crisply real noise I've ever heard.
I pause,
and take in the moment,
trying to store it for another time

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