Monday, March 29, 2004

Poor Moffy if all cracked up

(N.B Moffy is my 1968 Morris Minor - just to clear up any confusion!)
There was a note when I got in from TMOW rehearsals this evening......

"RING Mark at HOME - It's URGENT"

Several things then ran through my head in quick succession
a) He needs the money that I didn't manage to get to him yesterday b)There's something horribly wrong with poor Moffy c) He's not going to be able to get the work done by Saturday d) He got shunted whilst towing her to the workshop yesterday e)She's been nicked....... at which point I took a firm grip of myself and told my slightly deranged imagination to 'pull it together'.

Now I have to say, I love my car. She's almost like part of my personality. I've spent a lot of time and money on her - 'cos she's worth it. She pretty reliable, cheap to run, parts are easy to get hold of and easy to fix (despite what the insurance companies may think ::seethe::) and I have to admit - I like the attention I get when I'm out in her, my friends all love her when I start a new job or go somewhere new she's always a good conversation starter - and they used her in 'Heartbeat'! I know her past history from when she came out of the factory to now, and I've learned an awful lot about cars and mechanics from fixing/watching her being fixed.

So you can imagine how I was feeling yesterday when I actually came to the point of considering selling her, due to the amount I was having to spend fixing her every winter, and getting a new car, 'cos I really need something more practical. People have often said it to me (especially my sister Jo) but I will defend that car to the hilt. Still, practicalities must be addressed.
I thought about it, got upset and shoved it to the back of my mind to stew upon later. (it's a good trick to learn!)

But this evening all that has come flooding back, I rang Mark........imagining him sitting at home, waiting for my call and working out how to tell me that Moffy had phutted on last time.......And it turns out instead of just a blown HEAD GASKET she also has a crack in the MASTER CYLINDER. It's only hairline but he said I would need to get a new one tomorrow and then take my old one back to "Bull Motif" when Moffy is fixed. I imagined £300 prices, retrieving my exhausted credit card from that spot where I would never find it again (If only I knew where that was) and my chances of paying off most of my overdraft before this summer drifting swiftly out of view.

Still, I steeled myself, took a hold of the price list and began to scan............... ENGINE PARTS............Lead Free Cylinder Heads 1098 engine............£119 plus V.A.T. My chest tightens a little but it could have been worse.....MUCH worse. Also then found something at the back about exchanges so who knows maybe it'll be a little cheaper!

So Moffy rides again and lives to see another summer - be it sat on the drive as I'm not in the country - plus she has an M.O.T to get through next week (she'd never passed 1st time since I had her!) but still, I feel she deserves a chance. After all, I don't know what I'm doing after the summer - and 'Heartbeat' maybe looking for another car...........

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