Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Comprende vous?

If you look down my nifty side bar you will see a link to WWDN (wilwheaton.net) and also that I'm reading (well, re-reading for about the 4th time!) Dancing Barefoot - by said bloke above. If you go back to the roots of my blog (the frist one in fact) you will see that my main inspiraton for starting this blogging shbang is because of his website, and his amazing writing within that.

Now he's been working his fingers (and coffee machine it would seem) to the bone to get his next book Just A Geek (JAG) to print and has finally completed it this week.

I'm so excited for two reasons a) he's just such a great writer that it wouldn't even matter if you'd never seen him on TV in a film or read his blog, you'd still be hooked on the book and b) I'm going to be working in America at Stagedoor this summer - when the book comes out. I'll actually be able to get it off the shelf instead of ordering it over t'internet ::BIG GRIN::

Now I know most of you are probably thinking "yeah, yeah, so what's the big deal?" (either that or many other things including 'wil who?.....') but it's a big deal to me, it's my thing, so deal with it! (yes, that is a blatant Sex and the City steal)

So as a pressie to you all whilst attempting my first ever Trackback (and failing to understand the concept miserably!) here is a sneak peek from JAG (after the letter from his editor)that he put in his blog just to whet our appetites. Go read a few paragraphs of well written life! [/fangirl mode]

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