Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Things that go bump on a SUnday morning

I have spent this morning in hospital. The reason being as follows:

I was pottering up the stairs on Sunday morning, just to get TPDL as we were heading off to church, when I carelessly misplaced my foot on the edge of a step. As it descended toward the lower level my big toe was bent backwards - my left foot follwed in a similar fashion and then they both landed so that the whole of my body weight was taken by the front half of my foot.

As you can imagine I expressed my excruciating agony in the time honoured tradition of yelling/screaming my head off for about 2mins with intermittent crying and clawing of the carpet. Mum was asking me what I wanted her to do - my brain was trying to explain that.."incase you haven't noticed I'm having problems screaming properly so I really think a constructed sentence is beyond me right now"..whilst the most my face could manage was an angry face. Vix got me a teddy and gave me a hug - much more constructive!

Unfortunately Edd was also there and the poor guy was just stood at the bottom of the stairs looking lost - so when I had composed myself I apologised and promised to try and not scare the living daylights out of him again!

Anyhoo, went to he hospital to see if I'd damaged anything. I've not done anything bone wise and they think I've "...wrenched the ligaments through" whatever that means - sounds painful, and the fact that I'm having to use my crutches again confirms it!

Ah me, never a dull moment.

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